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Bus schedule is overdue

The updated bus schedule that Government promised during the Budget presentation is long-overdue, according to Opposition Senator Michael Fahy.According to Government, the current operating schedule, which dates back to 1999, is being rewritten and should be implemented by the end of the school year in June to maximise efficiency and cut overtime.Trips that now begin and end in Grotto Bay will soon continue on to St George’s. Trips that start and end at Barnes’ Corner and Somerset will in future continue on to Dockyard.There will also be an increased service after 8pm on weekdays and on Sunday mornings. Meanwhile $3 million will be spent on replacing six to eight older buses in order to improve reliability and cut repair costs.However, during the Senate debate on the Ministry of Transport budget, Sen Fahy said of the new timetable: “It worries me they took 12 to 13 years to do something they should not have taken so much time on.”He said he knew the new schedule requires buy-in from the union, but that it is time for “everyone to be on board” with it.Sen Fahy said the new buses are “probably a good idea,” but asked if they would have disabled access. He further expressed concern about if the Ministry would be able to remain within it’s budget, noting overspends in past years.“When you’re budgeting less but spending more, you’re not really saving anything,” Sen Fahy said.With only a minute left in the debate, Sen Smith did not attempt to respond to questions, saying that if the opposition wanted to have 21 questions answered, he should have been given time to answer 21 questions.