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BIU speaker: Everyone must fight injustice

Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer and Premier Paula Cox at Cabinet yesterday. (Photo by Akil Simmons) August 31, 2012

Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer last night condemned “vile and racist comments” to the Bermuda blogosphere.Mr Spencer said he was disgusted by the debate from posters on Bernews, claiming it underlined how much work still needs to be done in the struggle for equality.Speaking at the 31st annual Bermuda Industrial Union Labour Day banquet, Mr Spencer told an audience at the Fairmont Southampton they must continue to fight injustice and racial stereotyping.He said one poster on an August 16 article suggested black people were suffering because they spent their money on fancy cars and weed.Another poster, he said, wrote: “For those who blame white people for the situation they are in, you should blame your ancestors. They were offered a chance to go back to Liberia. They didn’t go.“Stop complaining because you are a thousand times better off than Africans. There is nothing to stop you getting a well paid job. Nothing.”Mr Baldwin reflected: “For me, these are disgusting, vile and racist comments.“These are not from a history book. They are not describing some dark period in history.“They were made anonymously on August 16th, 2012, right here in Bermuda. I wish to pose a question: With this done on August 16th, 2012, could you reasonably say that racism is a thing of the past?”To claps from the audience, he continued: “Or do you believe that it’s alive and well here in Bermuda?“Until we truly snuff out racism, those of us who are most victimised by it must stand strong together.“There are those who seek to divide us and confuse us, but we must not be divided. We must educate our brothers and sisters to make sure they are not confused.”Blacks and whites must fight for justice and equality for all, he said. “Now is not the time to declare victory and rest on our laurels.“Now is the time to get up, stand up and educate. If we become complacent, those who seek to divide us will win.“That must not be allowed to happen. The fight, the struggle, must go on because the cause must endure.”Earlier in his speech, Mr Spencer, a former union leader in his home country, paid tribute to union leaders in Bermuda for fighting institutionalised racism in years gone by.Premier Paula Cox also spoke during the banquet, telling union members of the importance of cooperation.“We realise we either collaborate or perish,” said the Premier.“As we get ready to salute and acknowledge labour, as we appreciate their contribution, let me remind you that it’s not gold or silver, but it was by labour that wealth was originally created.”