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Sex offenders must complete programmes

Sticking to the framework: Kathy Lynn Simmons, the Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs provides an update on sex offender management (File photograph by Akil Simmons)

Changes to the management of sex offenders in prison are working, the Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs said this morning.

Kathy Lynn Simmons told the Senate: “Sex offenders who do not complete the required programmes during incarceration are not released at their earliest release date, nor released on parole.

“We are pleased to note that this occurred in the case of at least one serious sex offender who was scheduled to be released from incarceration two months ago.

“Hence his release has been deferred until he completes the required programme. This is evidence that our operational framework is being adhered to.”

She was speaking after high-profile offender Junius Carman Caines was released from prison last month.

Caines was sentenced to three years and four months in prison last July for an sex assault on a woman in August, 2016.

Ms Simmons said while the release of sex offenders was emotive the revised framework was working.

She added that the Ministry of Education is told about the release of sex offenders to help protect pupils, in addition to public notification.

Ms Simmons said moderate or high risk offenders whose crimes were against children will be fitted with electronic tags.

She added the release of a “high risk” offender had attracted media attention.

Ms Simmons added: “I would like to stress that systems are in place to monitor the offender under the current framework, taking into consideration the offender’s risk issues and overall treatment needs.”