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Riley to head wage commission

Economist Robert Stubbs, left, social worker Martha Dismont, businessman Philip Barnett, labour minister Lovitta Foggo, finance ministry economic adviser Hasan Durham, statistician Cordell Riley (Photograph supplied)

A statistician and antiracism campaigner has been appointed as chairman of a group which will pave the way for a living wage in Bermuda.

Cordell Riley will lead the wage commission, community minister Lovitta Foggo announced in the House yesterday.

Mr Riley will be joined by Chris Furbert, the president of the Bermuda Industrial Union; economists Robert Stubbs and Craig Simmons; Philip Barnett, a businessman who heads restaurant group IRG; and social worker Martha Dismont.

Ms Foggo told MPs: “There is much work to be done and all stakeholders will have an opportunity to make representations to the commission.

“This further consultation, research and analysis by the commission is critical to the establishment of a minimum and living wage in Bermuda and I look forward to receiving their report in due course.”

The Progressive Labour Party promised in its 2018 Throne Speech that it would mandate wages aligned to the cost of living. Town hall meetings have since taken place and Ms Foggo said that she has also met representatives of the Chamber of Commerce.

She said: “The commission is required to conduct studies, reviews and analyses as necessary to determine the requirements for a basic standard of living in Bermuda and to make recommendations on the minimum hourly wage and on the living wage rate to be prescribed by the minister.”

To read Lovitta Foggo’s ministerial statement in full, click on the PDF under “Related Media”