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Abir highlights internship opportunities

John Huff, CEO of Abir

Two-thirds of the full-time employees of the member companies of the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers are Bermudians, spouses of Bermudians, or permanent resident certificate holders.

These large commercial re/insurers want to build on that local talent pool and are highlighting internship opportunities for young Bermudians.

“As we cap Insurance Careers Month, there is no better time to highlight the career introductions Abir members make to Bermuda students through summer internships,” John Huff, chief executive of Abir, said.

“Bermuda’s success as a leading international re/insurance market depends on the continued pipeline of Bermuda talent.”

Abir’s most recent economic survey, for 2017, showed Abir members employed 1,495 full-time staff in Bermuda, of which 1,044 were Bermudians, spouses of Bermudians, or permanent resident certificate holders — an increase of 2.6 per cent since 2016, and 7 per cent since 2007.

The share of payroll that went to Bermudians, spouses and PRCs also increased by 3 per cent, in 2017.

Abir said its members “continue to invest in a vibrant local workforce and provided 55 intern jobs to Bermudians in 2017”.

Seven Abir members held graduate training programmes for Bermudian employees; members also offered other training and development opportunities, such as tuition reimbursement and leadership training.

Bermudian students are hearing a lot about the island’s global business market this week. A campaign to connect Bermuda’s young people with international companies kicked off on Monday, with school visits, mentorship programmes, scholarships promotion, and a new animated video highlighting the economic impact of global industries on the island.

“Abir has a long history of supporting the development of the Bermuda economy by providing international internships and other professional development opportunities to Bermudians,” Albert Benchimol, CEO of Axis Capital and chairman of Abir, said.

“Bermuda’s reinsurance and insurance markets are critical to managing risk in the international economy, and the success is only possible with highly qualified and well-trained talent.”

Abir highlighted some of the opportunities, adding: “Students should note some 2019 applications have closed, and others have upcoming deadlines.”


Intern position for a Bermudian college/university student to work in policy and regulation within the re/insurance sector for six weeks during the summer 2019. Applications close March 6. See www.abir.bm for more details. Send resume and essay by March 6 to policy@abir.bm.

Axa XL

Hosting eight-to-ten-week paid internship. Combines on-the-job learning and formal training, including lunch-and-learns with business leaders, a volunteer day, and a group project assignment. Applications are closed for 2019.

Hamilton Insurance Group

Interns are being selected now. Applications are closed for 2019.


A limited number of intern positions for Bermudian college and university students across various departments during the summer of 2019. The details regarding each internship vary. Applications close March 11. Visit: careers@renre.com

Qatar Reinsurance Company

A four-to-six-week opportunity, paid, for university students only. Duties will include varied work to support activities of the company, including preparing calculations, gathering data, responding to ad hoc requests for support, etc. Applications being accepted until June 1. Contact: Aoife Burke: aburke@qregroup.com


The Validus Student Programme endorses a holistic approach to student development providing practical experience. Successful applicants will join dynamic teams handling a variety of tasks over the course of the summer, attend weekly industry and career-focused seminars with industry-leading professionals, and participate in a variety of other activities. Eight-plus weeks opportunity, paid. Closing date is March 1. For more information: https://www.validusholdings.com/media/138072/validus-summer-student-program-bermuda-a4-2019.pdf

Abir has a website at www.abir.bm is on Twitter, @ABIR_Bermuda