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Christ Church gets new Minister

Rev. Barry Dunsmore new minister of Christ Church, Warwick was inducted before a number of other minister from around the island and also Europe. The induction was noteworthy because it was the first time the church was allowed by the Presbyterian Church of Scotland to select its own minister in its 290 year history.Back row from left: Rev. John Cowie Presbytery Clerk, Prebytery of Europe; Rev. Esther Douglas Assistant Minister, Vernon Temple, Elder Jairus Landy Warwick Holiness Church, Archdeacon Andrew Doughty Rector of St. Mary's Anglican Church, Warwick, Rev. Nigel Robb Presbytery of St. Andrews, Scotland, Major Wayne Loveless The Salvation, Rev. Karsten Decker, Evengilische Kirche von Kurhessen-Waldeck, Elder Earlston DeSilva Cobbs Hill Wesleyan Methodist Church, Warwick, Pastor George GW Smith JP Restoration Fellowship.Front Row: Pastor Deborah Dean Rehoboth Church of God, Rev. Jim Sharp Presbytery Moderator, Presbytery of Europe, Pat Munro, Deacon Presbytery of Dunfermline, St. Serf's Church:Lochgelly & Benarty, Rev. Barry Dunsmore new minister of Christ Church, Warwick, Pastor Veronica Outerbridge Living Word Christian Fellowship and Liz Parker Church Secretary of Christ Church in Warwick.
This year the number 29 has particular significance to the congregation of Christ Church, Warwick.In February they welcomed their 29th Minister, Dr. Barry Dunsmore, and this year they celebrate their 290th anniversary.Before coming to Bermuda, Rev. Dunsmore and wife Hilda made a name for themselves in London, England for their work with the homeless.

This year the number 29 has particular significance to the congregation of Christ Church, Warwick.

In February they welcomed their 29th Minister, Dr. Barry Dunsmore, and this year they celebrate their 290th anniversary.

Before coming to Bermuda, Rev. Dunsmore and wife Hilda made a name for themselves in London, England for their work with the homeless.

In 2007 Rev. Dunsmore published 'Challenge, Comfort, Forgiveness and Welcome — Words to the World at Such A Time as This' with all proceeds to benefit 'Borderline' a church of Scotland Advisory Service Project, assisting homeless Scots in the London area.

The book was meant to mark the 25th anniversary of his ordination.

"I would love to do work with the homeless in Bermuda in conjunction with the congregation," Rev. Dunsmore told The Royal Gazette. "Hopefully, we can pursue that with Christ Church outreach. We want to look into what's being done.

"We did a lot of work with the homeless in two areas. One was for homeless Scots in London and the other was a big ecumenical thing done with other denominations."

For the second project different churches in London worked together to run a nightshop — a place where the homeless could come and have a meal, and sleep.

"We ran it in seven different venues in London when the weather was bad," said Rev. Dunsmore. "Each church had a particular night when they cooked and spent some time with the clients."

Rev. Dunsmore said it could be possible for Christ Church in Warwick to do something similar, working with other churches.

"First though we have to assess the situation, and see what is already being done. There is no point duplicating effort."

Rev. Dunsmore said he became interested in working with the poor as a teenager growing up in Glasgow, Scotland.

"I was brought up in the east end of Glasgow," he said. "When I was 17 or 18 years old I started working in a soup kitchen run by my church Glasgow Cathedral."

Rev. Dunsmore attended The University of Glasgow where he received degrees in Arts and Theology.

After completing his Master of Arts and his Bachelor's of Divinity in Glasgow, he pursued post graduate studies both at The University of Nairobi in Kenya and at Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey.

He was called by Christ Church from his Church of Scotland Parish, St. Columba's in London, the largest church of Scotland congregation outside of Scotland.

As well as serving as parish minister to over 1,100 members at St. Columba's, he also served in many capacities within the organisation of the Christ Church of Scotland.

At St. Columba's in the heart of London, Rev. Dunsmore had a particular focus on the care of the homeless, and was instrumental in the leadership of the West London Churches Homeless Concern, offering shelters to the homeless every night from November to April.

Rev. Dunsmore's induction represents a triumph for Christ Church, Warwick, because it is the first time the church has been allowed to be involved in the process of picking their own minister.

"The induction of Rev. Dunsmore is both an exciting and historical event for Christ Church," said church member Roger Oldfield. "Our association with the Church of Scotland (in some form) has been well established for over 150 years.

"However, due to Bermuda's geographic location, Christ Church related to the Church of Scotland through a central committee rather than being a member of a Presbytery. Following some two years of planning in May last year Christ Church was accepted as a full member of the Church of Scotland Presbytery of Europe.

"This is a normal Presbyterian relationship and is viewed by Christ Church as being a very positive change putting Christ Church on par with the 1,179 Church of Scotland congregations which are currently grouped into 79 presbyteries.

"The presbytery of Europe has 14 charges and all of these Church of Scotland congregations exist out of Scotland. The churches within the Presbytery share similar cultural make-ups and international members. Christ Church, Warwick believes this relationship is ideal for our expanding church of the 21st century."

The induction ceremony for Rev. Dunsmore was presided over by the Rev. Jim Sharp (Moderator of the Presbytery of Europe), the Rev. John Cowie Clerk of the Presbytery of Europe, Elizabeth Parker, Presbytery Elder of Christ Church, Warwick. Also in attendance were leaders from the Bermuda faith community including many of the ecumenical leaders from the Warwick Alliance of Christian Churches.

The newly inducted Rev. Dunsmore assumed his new role on February 15 and preached to a full church.

Services are held at Christ Church every Sunday at 8 am and 11 am. Youth services are held at the 11 am service.