Around the churches
Created: Feb 05, 2022 07:57 AM
St Mark's Church in Smith's (File photograph)
• St Mark's Anglican Church: Our church family invites you to join us for peaceful worship at 8am with Canon John Stow or our contemporary all-ages worship at 9.30am with guest preacher Reverend Terry Hassell. This week’s theme will be “Fishers”, based on Luke 5.1–11. Our Sunday School is now open and children are welcome for outside activities (or in the hall if it's wet). Come to St Mark's, not just a church but a family! 53 South Road, Smith's.
E-mail every Thursday before noon with any notices you would like featured with the subject “Around The Churches”
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Published February 05, 2022 at 7:57 am (Updated February 04, 2022 at 8:11 am)
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