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Around the churches

Rev Deacon Wendell Dill will be the guest speaker at Christ Anglican Church, Devonshire’s watch-night New Year’s Eve Service (Photograph supplied)


• Community Contact Ministries: Join us for a watch night service on Zoom at 11pm. Follow us live on our Facebook page: Community Contact Ministries.

• Christ Anglican Church, Devonshire: watch-night New Year’s Eve Service, 11pm with guest preacher: Rev’d Deacon Wendell Dill.


• St Mark’s Anglican Church: join us for peaceful worship at 8am followed by our all-age worship at 9.30am. The theme of Rev Tyte’s talk will be Following the Star as we look forward to the season of Epiphany. Sunday School is still on break so children and other young people will remain in church for the whole service which will be child-friendly. Come to St Mark’s – not just a Church but a Family! 53 South Shore Road, Smith’s Parish.


• Restoration House Ministries International: Join us live for prophetic prayer from 6am to 6.30am with Minister Eugenia Robinson-Lobban on YouTube (@Eugenia Robinson-Lobban). For more information follow @EugeniaLRobinsonBDA on Facebook or e-mail: contact@eugenialrobinson.com. Boundary Crescent, Devonshire.


• The Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity: Join us at 12.15pm for a midweek respite and celebration of the Eucharist. This 30-minute service has proven to be an oasis for many who long for spiritual nourishment. 29 Church Street, Hamilton.

• Restoration House Ministries International: Join us live for prophetic prayer from 6am to 6.30am every week with Minister Eugenia Robinson-Lobban on YouTube (@Eugenia Robinson-Lobban). For more information follow @EugeniaLRobinsonBDA on Facebook or e-mail: contact@eugenialrobinson.com. Boundary Crescent, Devonshire.


• Bahá'ís of Bermuda: Join us every Thursday as we explore spiritual topics based on Bahá’u’lláh's vision for a prosperous world. 5.30pm at the Baha’i National Centre. 8 Brunswick Street, Hamilton.


• Restoration House Ministries International: Join us live for prophetic prayer from 6am to 6.30am every week with Minister Eugenia Robinson-Lobban on YouTube (@Eugenia Robinson-Lobban). Also join us for Midnight Cry, a Night of Intercession and Prayer, live on YouTube on the first Friday of every month starting at 11.30pm. For more information follow @EugeniaLRobinsonBDA on Facebook or e-mail: contact@eugenialrobinson.com. Boundary Crescent, Devonshire.

• Victory Kingdom Worship Centre: All are welcome. Our service with lead pastor Carlton Crockwell, Sr starts every week at 6pm with prayer and we go directly into worship, praise and then the Word of God at 6.30pm. If you need transportation, call 621-1031 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 12pm and 3.30pm 91 Reid Street Extension in the old Rego Stables building.

E-mail hwood@royalgazette.com every Thursday before noon with any notices you would like featured with the subject “Around The Churches”

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Published December 31, 2022 at 8:00 am (Updated December 30, 2022 at 10:14 am)

Around the churches

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