In honour of our mothers
I am late and I do apologise, but better late then never. It would be remiss of me not to mention the honour we owe to our mothers, whether biological or otherwise; whomever the woman was or is in our lives who has nurtured, trained, taught, fed, clothed, housed and loved us unconditionally, to say and wish Happy Mother’s Days, yes days — all 365 of them, may they be blessed with happiness, peace and gratitude. We love and appreciate you all and, of course, grandmothers included!
Islam places very high regard to mothers. The Koran says: “We have commanded people to be good to their parents: their mothers carried them, with strain upon strain, and it takes two years to wean them. Give thanks to Me and to your parents — all will return to Me.” (Koran, 31:14)
“We have commanded man to be good to his parents: his mother struggled to carry him and struggled to give birth to him.” (Koran, 47:15).
Muslims believe that Paradise lies at the feet of the mother. One way to attain Paradise in the after-life is by doing good deeds, as well as taking care of your mother with respect and honour.
Once, a man came to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and asked: “Who is most deserving of my kindness?” The Prophet said: “Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father.” Repeating “your mother” three times emphasises the importance of good treatment towards a mother for all of the hardship that she endures, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Along with all the wonderful things that come with motherhood, the joy our children bring us, it also comes with its own challenges, day after day until the child becomes an adult and even when they are adults, the care, concern and love remains with a mother, always and forever.
The Koran says there is a mystical bond between a mother and child. Oft times, it is a thankless job, though it should not be. Mothers need and should have unequivocal support, but this is often not the case.
Many of us have the opportunity to be part of the “village” that helps a mother raise a child. Whether it be as a friend or family member, we must assist where we can. Let us continue to encourage and support all mothers as they endeavour to raise a well balanced human being; one that will be an asset to society and the world we live in.
This link has a beautiful message from a group of mothers.
Bermuda, the struggle continues, we still must let our voices resound for ceasefire wherever bombs are blasting. The voices of mothers losing their children must be heard, they are crying for immediate ceasefire now. The madness must stop.
As salaam alaikum (peace be unto you).
• Linda Walia Ming is a member of the Bermuda Hijab Dawah Team, a group of Muslim women who reside in Bermuda and have a goal of educating the community about the religion of Islam