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Soccer programme launched at Dellwood

Cal Blankendal, CEO Bermuda’s Brazilian Football School, has launched the BBFS Lifeskills Programme at Dellwood Middle School, in Pembroke, this week.Dellwood is the second school to take part in the programme which is expected to roll out to all middle schools by 2013.The programme includes 55-60 minutes of football training followed by a 20 minute lifeskills session which focuses on anti-gang, drug and bullying messages, money management, SAT awareness, safe usage of social networking and future career and further education interests.BBFS CEO, Cal Blankendal said “Thanks to HSBC Bermuda’s sponsorship, we were able to expand and offer the programme in both Whitney and Dellwood Middle Schools.“The football and lifeskills programme is offered at no cost to participants, and allows students aged 11-14 an opportunity to foster a positive lifestyle in a safe and fun after school environment.”Phil Butterfield, CEO HSBC Bermuda, said: “The BBFS has recognised and addressed a need in our community.“Young people require a structured, disciplined environment in which to develop positive character traits that are not only expected on the field of play, but in the classrooms and in our society. HSBC Bermuda provides funding and volunteer hours in the education and development of our children, and we continue to stress the benefits of teamwork, discipline and lifeskills that translate into positive personal and professional experiences.”