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Young Observer launches an –advice column

She or he is your best bud, but even though you share your inner most secrets, even your best friend can’t help in every situation.Enter Libby, the person who will keep your darkest secret confidential but who has the knowledge and professional experience to offer you real solutions to your problems.Today a new section, “Dear Libby” appears in the Young Observer, and though the four columns, appearing weekly in October, are composite situations, they are reflective of the real-life issues Bermudian teens struggle with, sometimes on a daily basis.They were created using information problems and solutions provided by Latisha Lister, Family Therapist with the Bermuda Hospitals Board.Ms Lister knows first hand how overwhelming some situations can be, and is keen to make young Bermudians and their parents aware of the resources available to help them meet their challenges successfully.She is also keen to continue the column by offering advice on real-life situations and is inviting young Bermudians to share their situations confidentially though the solutions will be offered in the column.If there are problems you would like answers to, you can submit them in writing to Dear Libby, c/o Young Observer, The Royal Gazette, P.O. Box HM 1025.