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A sparky Christmas poem

Dear Sir,

The following is inspired by true events from the morning of December 19 at the Tennis Stadium traffic lights.

I would like to dedicate it to the kind individuals who came to my rescue and whom I was unable to thank properly in person.

’Twas the week before Christmas, as I scurried about

Sparky’s alternator began to give out.

When out on the driveway the engine did start

We set off to Rayclan to get a new part.

At stop lights, the engine made such a clatter

I looked to the dash to see what was the matter.

In front of my eyes, the engine lost function

Sparky came to a stop in the middle of the junction!

Blocking everyone’s way, I knew not what to do.

Then angels appeared and came to my rescue!

Quick as a flash, they leaned on the rear

“You just get in, we’ll push it from here!”

Powered by humanity, Sparky was grooving

Pushed out of the way so traffic kept moving.

With a smile and a wave, angels went on their way

I yelled “Thank you! Merry Christmas and have a great day!”

Filled with such gratitude, I had a sweet notion

And I will admit, it did fill me with emotion.

Race, religion or politics; none of them mattered.

Moving forward together, those differences shattered.

No dream is too big, nor kindness too small

Working together, Bermuda can accomplish them all.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!