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Strategic planning workshops offered

Strategic advice: Jodi Lewis, CEO of the JD Lewis Group

A business consultancy is to stage strategic planning workshops later this month.

JD Lewis Group will aim to summarise the elements that go into creating a strategic plan, give attendees a fundamental understanding of the research, measurable goals, strategies, and tactics that go into a plan, as well as offer personalised consultancy.

The workshops will take place on March 21 and 23 at a location to be determined, based on the level of interest.

Jodi Lewis, chief executive officer of JD Lewis Group, said most top businesses and successful people have taken the time to invest in planning and outlining steps they must take to achieve their goals.

“Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of brands both large and small who see the value in having a strategic plan,” Ms Lewis said.

“When I ask the average person if they have a documented strategic plan for their life, small business or to achieve a personal goal, most say they do not.”

For more information about the “Invest in Planning” workshop, e-mail althea@jdlewisgroup.com or visit www.jdlewisgroup.com.