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We must emerge from shackles of narcissistic thinking

I decided to pretend that Bermuda was like America and was heading towards its own presidential election. I have launched a campaign based on a plan with the slogan “Make Bermuda Stronger Together”. The cornerstone of my candidacy is an effort to significantly close the wealth gap and to begin to make Bermuda an economically inclusive society. This is not a rhetorical promise filled with platitudes and words, but rather a viable and active strategy that is measurable.

Within the first year of my presidency, I will unleash a $4.5 billion plan that will involve substantial investments based on equity participation and no debt financing. This injection will begin an immediate redress of our existing budget deficit, aiming for a balanced budget in two years fuelled by growth in taxable revenues — not austerity and layoffs.

This new investment, aside from bringing new types of business, will create more than 2,000 jobs over the first four years and more in the long term. The new investment will bring $200 million to $300 million of new hard currency every year to the economy, which will grow exponentially year on year, much like international business did over 30 years.

Bermuda needs this revitalisation in spite of the sad reality that there are some who do not need it, and in fact benefit by things remaining just as they are. That reality is not limited to one group.

Sadly, there are those who are also contesting this presidential seat who don’t have a plan at all, which leads to the only conclusion that they will do nothing more than occupy the seat of presidency as a pulpit to extract new taxes in a stagnant economy as the national debt increases. Under those without a plan, crime and poverty will be on course to enjoy a new cycle. The consequences of having no real plan of inclusion, either because of bigoted disregard or economic ignorance, amounts to the same.

Bermuda is a beautiful country with a rich history and is one country that could truly shine in a world desperate for a proper role model. We have never reached our true potential because of the narrow role that leadership has historically provided. It is time we emerged from the shackles of narcissistic thinking and began to embrace democratic principles that will bind us as one people out of many peoples towards a destiny we can proudly hold in common.

I will not stand for this or any party that is not willing to rise to our higher possibilities. In fact, my aim is to break the system of blind loyalty and tribalism that present party practice legitimises. Therefore, I will change the rules of the game and give the electorate the right to choose who runs or represents any party. Parties will no longer have the right to expel members for their political views.

We will aim for a day when all of our children — black, white or other — can look ahead and see a road map towards success.

When we can walk the streets of Hamilton or the countryside and the visible signs of success is multicoloured.

When people love and respect each other because of no other reason except they are a human being. When justice reigns and the dead finally sing in their graves.

I am committed to that cause and look forward to your vote. In fact, I expect it.

Now back to reality. That was just a dream, and in the days ahead, please put some thought as to who and what you vote for.