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Fireminds launches new data centre

New facility: members of the Fireminds team, including Michael Branco, the company's chief executive officer at the front

Technology company Fireminds has launched a new data centre.

The centre aims to continue the firm’s growth in delivering cloud solutions, managed hosting and collocation.

Fireminds CEO Michael Branco said: “Data residency continues to be a top priority with cloud and hosting solutions.

“As an offshore jurisdiction, many Bermuda-based businesses want to ensure their data does not reside in North America.

“In the past, we have accomplished this by working with Microsoft Azure to utilise their data centres in Ireland, the Netherlands and Singapore.”

But he added: “In many of our recent projects, customers are looking to have their data hosted in Bermuda.

“To address this requirement, Fireminds determined the data centre would be an ideal investment.”

The new data centre, in the Waterfront complex on Pitts Bay Road, Pembroke, will also play host to Fireminds’ on-island cloud PBX, which provides a high availability voice over IP cluster, which will allow customers to replace their phone systems with a cost-effective modern one.

Fireminds’ chief technology officer Yevgeniy Gerassimov said that the data centre remained linked to the Microsoft Azure cloud, which means if there is a service interruption in Bermuda, hosted data goes to an overseas Azure data centre.

The Bermuda centre also features fault redundant power, a generator, battery back-up, multiple air cooling and multiple telecom access providers.