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Outerbridge: Bean said ‘many disgusting and disturbing things’

Opposition Leader Marc Bean

Opposition leader Marc Bean said “many disgusting and disturbing things” during a meeting with Government MP Nandi Outerbridge, the OBA backbencher has claimed.

Mrs Outerbridge denied allegations by Mr Bean that she was pressured to attend their meeting by party bosses and was “wired” beforehand.

And she also insisted that the Opposition leader used threats in a bid to get her to stand down from her marginal St George’s seat and force a by-election.

In a statement issued last night Mrs Outerbridge said: “On Friday in the House of Assembly I was challenged by the Opposition Leader Mr Marc Bean in regards to a conversation we had last year.

“The conversation took place at a time I was going through a personal family challenge.

“Mr Bean had been contacting me frequently on the day of the conversation, via text messages, saying that we should have a conversation to discuss my ‘situation’.

“It seemed he was not going to give up on speaking with me, so I decided to meet him. I must say that I did not feel any trust toward Mr Bean and so decided, for my own protection, to record our conversation. I did so using my cell phone.

“During the conversation, which took place in the Opposition lounge outside the House of Assembly, Mr Bean said many disgusting and disturbing things that, if heard, the people of Bermuda would see in a poor light.

“In addition, he said I would be attacked if I did not resign, as he could not control some of his other colleagues.”

That assertion challenges earlier claims by Mr Bean, who told The Royal Gazette yesterday that neither he nor any member of his party would attack political rivals on personal issues “as a matter of principle”. (See separate story)

Mrs Outerbridge added: “I want to say I have no intention of releasing the tape because it was for my personal protection at that time and should have never been a topic of any other person’s conversations.

“On a final note, Mr Bean said I was pressured to wear a ‘wire’ to record the conversation. No one pressured me and I did not wear a wire. He is just assuming that that was what happened. I hope this at least sets the record straight.”

Speculation about the meeting began on Friday when Mr Bean, speaking in the House of Assembly, said he was aware that a recording of the conversation had been made.

Accusing the Government of using “gutter” tactics, he insisted that he had reached out to the young MP last July because she was facing personal difficulties — she was the subject of a police investigation at the time, although no charges were ever brought.

Mr Bean responded to the statement last night on ZBM’s Let’s Talk, calling it a “classic deflection”.

“To say that I had been reaching out to her all day is false. It’s a lie,” he said. “Her husband called me after lunch. Her husband. I don’t know who he is. And after I spoke to him and gave him a piece of my mind. Once again, real talk, man-to-man, I went upstairs and it was about 1.55pm, minutes before we resumed Parliament, and Mrs Outerbridge came in.

“I said ‘Hey Nandi. You’re husband just called and obviously he’s very concerned. Why don’t you come to my lounge, the PLP member lounge, and let’s have a chat’.

“If she’s saying that I said something untoward, then release the tape. Let the people hear it. What could I have said in a private conversation to assure her that I was not going to attack her or allow my colleagues to attack her that’s that detrimental to this country? If anything, it would be just detrimental to me.”