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Cablevison’s misleading internet advertisement

Dear Sir,

After seeing Cablevision’s advertisement in the paper recently which turned out to be very misleading I felt compelled to write another letter.

It was June 26th 2014, page 2 in The Royal Gazette, big, red, and bold “25MB for $99.95”. The first thought in my head instantly was this is too good to be true. A call a while later confirmed my suspicion that it was not the total cost being quoted — $239 for 25MB in mid 2014. I was hoping it was just an internal miscommunication or some kind of bad joke, but a follow up call this week has confirmed the price is indeed $239.

Last November I wrote of the internet provider Flow in Barbados having 150MB. Now they are offering 300MB for $200 Barbados dollars ($100 US). Before I said we were falling behind, at this point we may as well be in the Special Olympics (no pun intended) because we are well and truly out of the race.

The same way Belco can put break downs in the paper Cablevision should be required to as well, as things are not adding up. The website states that they have the capability to offer 100MB and when a technician was at my house a few months ago he told me that they already are testing 300MB in the office. So what is the holdup?

I challenge the Minister of Telecommunications and the Regulatory Authority to have a serious look into this matter.

There is nothing wrong with a business making a profit, but it shouldn’t be done at the expense of keeping us in the dark ages. To say the Bermudian public is being taken to the cleaners is an understatement. Here’s to hoping for real change, preferably before Jesus returns.

