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Divided we sink

March 3, 2014

Dear Sir,

The captain of a ship is very rarely given credit whilst navigating his vessel through a storm. Only once the vessel sails into sunny skies and calm seas does he receive pats on the back and cries of “Horrah!” The thoughts and fears of being sunk in the middle of the ocean with no one around for hundreds of miles brings out the fears and doubts in both passengers and crew. He must make hard decisions and rely heavily on his crew’s expertise to steer the vessel to safety.

During these times morale is of the utmost importance. The worst thing that can happen aboard is for those not in command to openly attack, and undermine the captain. Mutiny will sink a ship as fast as the seas itself.

Instead of open defiance and attacks of character, a show of unity and support combined with constructive questioning is needed to weather the storm. Once the danger is past then the second mate may focus his attention and obtaining a ship of his own to captain.

The next election is a ways off. The opposition should focus on unity and the “safety of the passengers on the vessel” above all else rather than continuously trying to bring down the captain of the ship. Once the storm has past then he may concentrate on self promotion. Until then, stay the course and respect the decision of the people.

700 miles at sea.