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Let your conscience be your guide

July 12, 2013Dear Sir,The current political climate is of concern to many. Differences of opinion on the matters boil down to personal, if not collective political party allegiance.The base of one’s perspective is reflective of individual values and morals.Value: The regard that something is held to deserve: importance of worth — material or monetary worth. Principles or standards of behaviour.Moral: Concerned with the principles of right and wrong behaviour — examining the nature of ethics and the foundation of good and bad character. Based on or adhering to the code of behaviour that is considered socially right or acceptable.This said, it’s quite apparent that the perspectives are being played out. Depending on which ‘side of the fence’ one sits, opinions / sentiment, currently reign supreme.Consideration of the literary definitions, if one was to seriously embrace them, we will not have the current division of views regarding certain policies or legislation.This brings to mind, conscience — a person’s moral sense of right or wrong; in (all) conscience — in fairness; ‘on one’s conscience’, causing feelings of guilt.We all need to ‘look at the man/woman in the mirror’, take a personal inventory, and let your conscience be your guide!Glenn Chase