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We are getting away from being a Christian society

April 28, 2013Dear Sir,Legalising marijuana? How are the police going to test you when you cause an accident because you are high? Your reaction time slows considerable, also your attention is not sharp. I think medical marijuana given by prescription is fine, after all it is a drug. Alcohol is also a drug that we legalised and look at the major problems we are having with it. Once legalised you can’t go back and change your mind.We are getting so far away from being a Christian society. The only thing I see as a society that we still hold as Christian, are the holidays. But most of us do not celebrate them for their Christian meaning.Why not allow only Christians off on those Christian events. Other religions get off for theirs and non-believers get what is available at their company. We are obviously no longer living by the Christian Bible and that is why I believe Bermuda is now heading towards becoming the ‘Devil’s Isle’, that we were originally named, (for quite different reasons, I might add).Did you have your kids sit in front of a computer or TV screen, uncensored, sometimes for hours on end? Then they have learnt their moral values from what they were constantly bombarded with. Boys learnt how to be a man by the men they watched and listened to; the same goes for girls. Problem is they are living in a fantasy world and have no idea how to fit into society. And haven’t any idea how to mature into men and women. We as parents are their guides through life, we as parents have failed our children, if they think and act like a child when they are grown.I hear parents all the time, excusing themselves, by saying there isn’t a ‘How to’ book on raising kids. They are wrong the Bible tells you exactly how to raise children. I have raised my son this way and he has grown up to be an upstanding citizen and a strong, responsible man I can be proud of. Think about what your child is learning every day, about language, violence, moral values about sex and respect for the opposite gender and authority. Are these children equipped to have children of their own? It is not the responsibility of society to raise your children, that is solely on the parents of the child.DO THE RIGHT THING TO MAKE A RIGHT SOCIETYSpanish Point