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It's bad to not vote

August 11, 2011Dear Sir,I was absolutely astounded to hear that the Bermudians Against the Draft would be encouraging young black Bermudians not to vote! What type of non-sensical action does this sound like! I am only 15, however I was born with a lot of commonsense, one of the things that had to be lacking when this initiative was brought about!I've done my research and in the year 1930 only ten percent of our population could vote — out of 30,000 men, women, and children, only 2,458 could vote. Out of that very small number only 1,000 of them were black.Many of our ancestors fought, and even died for our equality and our right to vote and these young men are willing to prevent themselves an opportunity that our ancestors died to afford them of! I find it absolutely ridiculous that this is a measure in which these men would try to get their point across and I hope and encourage young men who are eligible to vote to vote, and not take part in what I believe is a nonsensical and superfluous action!ERON HILLHigh School StudentSandys