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FryDays and customers jump to help charity

Jump event: Vic Ball and Mistra Weeks, owners of FryDays, present a cheque for $458.55 for the Bermuda Red Cross to Suzanne DeCouto, centre, the charity’s fundraising and communications manager (Photograph supplied)

A “Jump Jam” event hosted by FryDays raised $458.55 for Bermuda Red Cross.

Customers at the Trampoline Park, in Dockyard, and the Play Time Zone, in Hamilton, were able to play, bounce, and jump, during an evening session last month, where 25 per cent of the takings on food was donated to the Bermuda Red Cross.

Suzanne DeCouto, Bermuda Red Cross fundraising and communications manager, was presented with the donation by Mstira Weeks and Vic Ball, owners of FryDays. On behalf of the charity, Ms DeCouto thanked FryDays and the families and individuals who took part in the Jump Jam,