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All set for fantastic racing

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The racecourse set-up will call for six legs (Photograph by Talbot Wilson)

Iain Murray, America’s Cup Race Management’s regatta director of the 35th America’s Cup, has announced the race course he will set. At 10.45am, he said the course would probably be six legs and racing would last about 20 minutes per match.

The wind direction is settling in at about 270° and Bermuda mariners know that means shifty winds at the weather mark.

The windward-leeward legs will be from off of the Spanish Point area upwind to near Somerset Island.

The start area will be on the north side of the course near Lodge Point.

It promises to be a perfect sailing day for these fantastic foiling, flying 50ft catamarans. Westerly winds 10-15 knots are predicted.

By 9.30am, Emirates Team New Zealand had already launched, with Groupama Team France and Land Rover BAR were not far behind them.

Estimated race start times

(First boat of the pair enters on port tack with 2min 10sec until the start; the other enters on starboard at 2:00 to go)

Race 1, 2.08pm:m Oracle Team USA v Groupama Team France

Race 2, 2.37pm: Artemis Racing v SotfBank Team Japan

Race 3, 3.06pm: Groupama Team France v Emirates Team New Zealand

Race 4, 3.35pm: Land Rover BAR v Artemis Racing

Race 5, 4.05pm: Emirates Team New Zealand v Oracle Team USA

Race 6, 4.34pm: Land Rover BAR v SoftBank Team Japan

Emirates Team New Zealand were the first on water for practice (Photograph by Talbot Wilson)
Land Rover BAR just touches down, with Groupama Team France next on deck (Photograph by Talbot Wilson)