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Le'Strange is the new Master of Atlantic Phoenix Lodge

Atlantic Phoenix Lodge No.224 on the Grand Registry of England, with its history rooted in the 1797, has a new Worshipful Master. He is Wor Brother David A. Le’Strange, seen centre above flanked by the brethren who will “keep him covered” for the next masonic year.WM Le’Strange has his name already indelibly stamped in the journals of the lodge. That was because he was initiated into the lodge on December 21, 1996, less than a month before Atlantic Phoenix was setting the stage for the grand celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Charter of the Lodge on January 21, 1997.David Le’Strange, then manager of the exclusive Mid-Ocean Golf Club, was highly favoured to have the distinction of being the first initiate of the bicentennial year.His proposer was none other than the late V.W. Bro Charles Z. Mann, one of the celebrated greats of Atlantic Phoenix. And making the event even more auspicious, he was married to Sue, the daughter of a Past Master of the lodge Wor. Bro. Douglas Measures.Among the dignitaries at the new Master’s installation dinner was R.W. Bro. Robert Rego, JP, District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Bermuda.Wor. Bro Thad Hollis had the honour of bringing the toast to the new Master at his formal dinner in Free Masons Hall, Reid Street.Other Brethren seen above are Immediate Past Master N. Eugene Furbert; SW Zachary J. Sagurs; JAW Patrick Caton; Secretary Thad Hollis; Chaplain Keith O. DeSilva; Treasurer William H. Mayor Jr, Director of Ceremonies Michael.Smith; Steward of Charities Dueane S. Dill; Organist Ian D. Macintyre; Tyler, Wendell E. Ebbin.