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Massachusetts freemasons pay visit to Hannibal Lodge

Most Wor. Past Grand Master Leslie A. Lewis of Prince Hall Masons under the Jurisdiction of Massachusetts is seen with members of Prince Hall Mt.Zion Lodge of Boston and their Bermudian hosts following a meeting at Hannibal. And below MW Lewis, second from the right, is with RW. Bro. Leslie T. Center, Right Worshipful Grand Superintendent of all Scottish Lodges in Bermuda; Rt. Wor. St.Clair Tucker, Provincial Grand Master of Irish Lodges in Bermuda; Wor. Master of Hannibal Chris Tuckett, and Wor. Master Colin Blades.

A new bond has been forged between Freemasons in Bermuda and Prince Hall Free Masons under the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.It stems from the visit of some thirty Prince Hall Masons and their Ladies to Hannibal Lodge No 224, St George’s on the Grand Registry of Ireland.They accepted an invitation from the Immediate Past Master of the Hannibal Assemblyman Darius Tucker.And with the assistance of Wor. Bro. Rodman Woolridge of the Lodge of Loyalty on the English Constitution, arrangements were made for the visitors to witness Degree work at Loyalty in Hamilton as well as to enjoy some good Bermudian hospitality otherwise.