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‘Red’ epitomises St George’s spirit

Louis (Red) DeSilva was his characteristically colourful and ebullient self as he stepped forward, not to be acknowledged as a cricketer of any consequence, but as an administrator who has been singular in his accomplishments keeping the Cup Match spirit alive throughout Bermuda.He was president of St George’s Cricket Club when the Centenary of Cup Match was celebrated. Born on Shinbone Alley on March 4, 1947, “Red” is a fanatical St George’s supporter, not just at Cup Match but all times.A political activist who has served on many different government boards, Red got elected to the Corporation of St George’s and made a significnt contribtion there.Come Cup Match, it’s a family affair.He showed up at the luncheon Sunday with his wife, children and grandchildren, who seemed just as excited as he was.That’s the way Cup Match was and is, a family affair. Bearing a cane and wearing a distinctive straw hat draped in St Georges blue and blue ribbons, Red said it was a tribute to his deceased father.His earliest memory of Cup Match was going to the game with his father and seeing him throwing his straw hat in the air and celebrating uninhibitedly. Red declared at the luncheon he intends to keep the spirit alive.