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Bean rebounds after 2011 disappointment

Taylor-Ashley Bean (front) will be one of Bermuda?s top medal hopes when she competes in the upcoming Carifta Games.

A lot has changed in the life of Taylor-Ashley Bean in the last 12 months of her track and field career after the disappointment of missing out on last year’s Carifta Games.From being snubbed by selectors of Bermuda’s 2011 team that competed in Jamaica to now being one of the Island’s best chances to make the podium this time around on local shores, Bean has taken everything in stride.While some athletes might have taken the negative out of such a decision, the Under-20 middle distance runner took the experience as a lesson learned as she prepared for this weekend’s spectacle.Bean will be competing in the 400, 4x400 relay, 1500, and 3000 metres, a distance she medalled in when competing in 2010.“Looking at last year’s performance I can say that I’ve taken it as a lesson learned,” said Bean. “I knew what I needed to work on and I have done so, so I believe that I am coming to these Games stronger than I have ever been, and I am ready to get on the track and give my competitors a run for their money.“My preparation building up to the Games has been pretty normal to my daily routines.“The training has been the same, however the intensity has been increased and my dieting and water intake has changed as I have been trying to stay as hydrated as possible.“My expectations for the Games is to medal in the 1500 and the 3000 metre races and also I am aiming to break the junior national record in the 1500.”Bean broke the junior female national record over the weekend while representing Virginia State University at the Fred Hardy Invitational in Richmond, Virginia.The 18-year-old freshman ran a personal best 4:42.82 in the 1500 metres to break the record previously held by elder sister Alexis Bean by more than three seconds.For many of the athletes taking part in Carifta, it will mark the first time in international competition and their first in front of what will be a supportive crowd.Although she wasn’t on hand to see the performances of her team-mates last time around, Bean believes that there are more than a handful of local athletes that can reach the podium and even win gold.“I believe competing in front of my home crowd will be very interesting.“The hardest thing will be trying to impress the crowd as it can put a lot of pressure on me. However, I believe it will give me more confidence in my races as I know I have a lot of people supporting me.“Being in college this year, I haven’t been able to physically see the performances that the team has done but keeping up with the stats I believe that the men have a very strong and talented side as well as the women.“We have a lot of talented women in the Under-17 age category and I believe that they have a good chance of medalling.“Last year Kyrah Scraders medalled in the 1500 metres and I believe that she will do the same and more in her events.”