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St John's Youth Choir prepares for annual concert

Christmas is quickly rolling around and the St John’s Youth Choir is preparing to spread holiday joy and cheer through its annual concert.Currently in its 14th year, the choir will sing a host of Christmas favourites on Sunday, December 11 at 7.30pm at St John’s Church in Pembroke.Youth choir director Marjorie Pettit said: “Our concerts are anxiously awaited by our followers. We began receiving calls for tickets in mid-September.“The concert programme should provide something for everyone with some fun new pieces for the children to sing in addition to the traditional old favourites.”She said the choir has gone from strength to strength through the years and currently has 50 talented members.“This year, St John’s Youth Choir has had a record number of talented young boys apply to join our already outstanding choir. Their pure, beautiful sound has helped to bring the choir to a new level of excellence.“Although this concert features the entire St John’s Youth Choir, we are occasionally asked to provide entertainment for select gatherings in the form of a smaller group of our singers.“The Senior Girls have always been our star but our Boys’ Chorus has already begun to attract considerable attention.”A group of professional orchestral players, led by violinist Kate Ross and including pianist Andrea Hodson and organist Cornell Fox, will also be featured.“If you have time for only one Christmas event this year, this is the one to attend to experience all the spirit and joy of the season,” said a choir representative.Tickets cost $30 for adults and $20 for students. They can be purchased at Bermuda Bookstore on Queen Street, Hamilton and at the door.