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Comedy show promises something different

International comedians hand selected for their laugh-out-loud talents will be on Island this weekend.Bermuda’s first ever international comedy competition, Come to Wreck Shop, will kick off at the Ruth Seaton James Auditorium on Sunday at 8.30pm.Comedians include Damon Rozier, Derek Gaines, Alycia Cooper, Lawrence Killebrew and Richie Redding. The event has been organised by local comedian Nadanja Bailey.Mr Bailey said: “I know they are funny I hand selected them with another comic in the States. We sent out 60 e-mails to 60 comedians because we would rather have more people because this is how these guys make a living.“It’s how they make money and pay their bills. We got 55 responses back, but we could only take 15.“There are going to be three shows and the winner of each show will go on to the finals. It’s kind of like the PGA of comedy — they have to win a major to get into the finals.”He said he wanted to bring some of the best international comedians down as a stress reliever for residents.“We are stressed as a community and we all need laughter in our lives so I have found a way to make it possible for us to laugh again,” Mr Bailey said.“I am also making the audience a part of the show. They decide who gets through to the final round.“I will be hosting the show and at the end of the night will put my hand over each comedian’s head and whoever gets the most response from the crowd that is the one that will go through and come back in November.”Other shows are taking place on August 11 and September 29. The finals will kick off on November 10.One of the night’s comedians will be Mr Rozier. He lost his ability to walk in a motorcycle accident, but found that comedy was a great outlet to let out some of his frustrations of living with a disability.He also uses his sense of humour to try and change negative public perception of wheelchair users.Comedian Mr Gaines started off working in comedy clubs in Philadelphia, but has since found success in other parts of the US.Mr Killebrew has toured with a number of comedians and hosted his own comedy show, ‘Tickle Me Tuesday’, since 2007.Ms Cooper has appeared on BET’s ‘Comicview’ and ‘The Parkers’; Mr Redding headlines a USO tour, entertaining 25,000 American troops stationed in South Korea.Tickets, $50, can be bought online at www.bdatix.bm or at All Wrapped Up, Fabulous Fashions and 27th Century Boutique.