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BPSU launch 60th anniversary celebrations on Sunday

Trade unionists and the 3,800 members of the Bermuda Public Services Union are gearing up for a week of anniversary celebrations to mark 60 years on Bermuda’s labour front.A special morning worship service will launch the week of events on Sunday at the Salvation Army Citadel, followed by a march and luncheon at union headquarters.“It’s important to acknowledge our forefathers who have been fighting for workers rights for the past 60 years and we are still going strong,” said BPSU President Kevin Grant.“This celebration is also for awareness — awareness to our members of how long we have been fighting for workers rights and the benefits that we now have, and that we can be even stronger if we emphasise the importance of standing together especially in these times,” he said.“There’s a lot of history behind the BPSU and with so many challenges right now, we’re at least grateful for the vision and leadership of our members and former presidents.“They were able to put in place contracts to address changes in terms and conditions of employment to get better benefits like pension, superannuation, maternity leave and vacation.”Mr Grant added that all eyes will be watching Bermuda’s political leaders for their position on unemployment leading into an election.“Until the election is called and platforms are presented to the public, I think each union, the BPSU in particular will be able to see what plans each party has in regards to employment.“During these economic times it should force people to be thankful that the island is still functioning although large numbers of Bermudians remain unemployed and we’ve been very fortunate to keep numbers to a bare minimum,” said Mr Grant.“We’ve been able to keep people employed full time, it’s a constant battle to find creative ways to keep businesses viable during these times, and to maintain employment numbers,” he added.The church service will be followed by a march to BPSU headquarters for a special luncheon in the union’s Quinton (Pancake) Stovell Hall.Space is limited but the union will also host another ‘Unions’ Night Out’ on October 30.Members will join colleagues from sister unions to be treated to a ‘Memory Lane Pictorial Collage’ and Karaoke at 6.30pm.The BPSU will also host a ‘Family Fun Day Block Party’ at their Angle Street headquarters on November 3.Streets will be blocked off in the area to enhance the planned family and block party atmosphere.The theme for the anniversary celebrations this year is ‘Onward and Upward Together’ to mark their 60-year milestone in Bermuda’s trade union history.