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Court names sex suspects in web mix-up

A Government website has posted a copy of the Supreme Court’s upcoming Case Calendar, identifying several people charged with sexual offences.

The calendar, which appeared on the Judiciary’s website yesterday morning, included five men accused of sexual offences among the details of several cases due to be heard in the coming months.

While it did not directly identify the complainants in the cases, it did contain information which could be used to identify at least two victims of sexual offences.

Under Bermuda law, it is illegal for media outlets to identify the defendants in sexual offence cases prior to conviction, while the victims of sexual offences can never be identified unless they choose to waive their right to anonymity.

Within an hour of this newspaper contacting Government about the posting of the calender, it had been removed from the website.

“The Calendar was posted this morning in error and has now been taken down. We apologise for the error,” a spokeswoman for the Supreme Court said yesterday.