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Court: son threatened to kill mother

A Devonshire man has been fined for threatening to kill his mother.

Alreulle Simmons, 41, pleaded guilty to uttering threatening words in connection with an incident that happened on August 19.

Magistrates’ Court heard that Simmons telephoned his mother asking for money shortly before 9am.

Roughly 30 minutes later, the court heard he called back and said: “If I don’t get my money, I’m going to kill you.”

Simmons explained of the utterance: “My mother took my money and I don’t know where it is.

“She’s stealing from me.”

Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo replied: “Pretty strong words to your mother.

“You think that’s the way to deal with it?”

Mr Tokunbo handed Simmons a $300 fine.

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