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Illegal carrots and broccoli: Court dishes out $1,200 fine

Arnold's Market Ltd was fined $1,200 yesterday for illegally importing carrots and broccoli.Environmental Protection officers acting on a tip investigated the St John's Road branch of the grocery store chain on March 9.They found imported carrots, broccoli and cauliflower being repackaged and sold as local produce, Crown counsel Robert Welling told Magistrates' Court.The officers found more of the illegally imported produce in other stores in the Arnold's chain.“Some employees attempted to conceal evidence even going as far as depositing them in a dumpster,” Mr Welling said.He added that it was difficult to determine how much of the produce had been illegally imported certain produce, such as broccoli, is only embargoed for part of the year.It was therefore hard to say whether or not the broccoli was imported illegally as it was difficult to prove when it was imported, Mr Welling said.Fresh carrots, sweet potatoes and papaya are embargoed year-round.Embargo notices are faxed to all produce importers each week.An operating manager for Arnold's Market yesterday pleaded guilty to the offence.“It was a mistake. I'm sorry. It will not happen again,” he said.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined Arnold's $600 for importing the carrots and another $600 for importing broccoli.“I guess there's no carrots for Christmas this year,” Mr Warner said. “Except local carrots.”