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A right to know

“That wharf is — in terms of design and construction — full of defects and deficiencies and is not safe. We have been lucky enough so far not to have a major problem but that may be down to a matter of luck.”Those were the words of Public Works Minister Trevor Moniz in the House of Assembly on Friday, talking about Heritage Wharf.What is going on with Heritage Wharf? Why is it plagued by problems? How many more problems will have to be dealt with?Tourism and Transport Minister Shawn Crockwell says the country will be kept fully appraised. But there needs to be more than that — there needs to be full disclosure and the files on this project need to be released.The public has a right to know.Here we goOn Sunday Nahki Wells will play the biggest game of his career — a cup final at Wembley.Nahki is enjoying huge success over at Bradford at the moment and he is a fantastic role model for all to follow: young, successful, hard working and clearly dedicated and committed.This newspaper wishes him the very best of luck. Hopefully soon we will see him as he parades his winner’s medal around Bermuda.Go Nahki!Ÿ Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/jeremydeacon1