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Pupils jump to it with Frog

Jumping to it: Warwick Academy is pleased with the results it has seen from a new virtual learning system called 'Frog', and is inviting other schools on the Island to attend a presentation about 'Frog' on February 10.

Virtual Learning has passed the first test at Warwick Academy.The school's virtual learning system, Frog, went “live” on Friday, and is in use by all teachers.Now Warwick Academy wants to spread the idea, and has invited other schools to a February 10 presentation.Frog is a UK-based system, which Warwick deputy principal David Horan called “the number one virtual learning environment in the UK”.The school selected it about a year ago, and implemented Frog last September.Mr Horan said: “Our existing IT equipment can hold it, anything with Internet Explorer can access it, and we didn't have to upgrade.“We get the server sent out to us; they access us from the outside, and not the other way, so we never send out our students' data.”The aim of the Frog system is to integrate students, parents and teachers on the same computer-assisted learning system. A student sick at home or away from class, for example, will be able to access lessons. Teachers can create their own virtual lesson plans.Mr Horan said the objective was to have users “one click away from anything in the system”.Each phase of Frog takes six months to implement, and Warwick Academy still has a year to go.Mr Horan said the February 10 presentation is open to educators in decision-making positions.So far, five other schools have confirmed attendance. For a place, contact dhoran[AT]warwickacad.bml For more information go to www.frogtrade.com