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Primary schools prepare for rise in pupil numbers

(Photo by Mark Tatem) Prospect Primary School is one of the schools that will have two entry classes for new pupils this September.

And based on the number of late applications to the Ministry, Victor Scott Primary School may also have a second entry class in September.Dame Jennifer noted that birth data for the year 2007, the year students entering primary school this September were born, there was an increase “which represented an anomaly in comparison to other years.The Minister said: “This made placement of students quite challenging.” There were 397 new Primary One students last September compared to the 485 applications for entry this year.In order to ensure an equitable distribution of the larger number across zones, the Minister said some Primary One classes will have more than 15 students but less than 18. “This will not impact learning as there is no significant variance in the number of 15 to 18 in reference to our preferred teacher/student ratio for Primary One.“These changes are consistent with our revised First Admission in Primary School Policy, our Collective Bargaining agreements and the Education act 1996. No schools are designated to take three Primary One classes.”Dame Jennifer also disclosed that the Ministry has been receiving a number of calls from concerned parents regarding children not being accepted into the same school as their siblings.On that note the Minister issued a reminder to parents that they have the right to appeal if they are not in agreement with their child’s primary school placement.“Under the Education Act 1996, the Governor, appoints the members of the Committee which hears appeals about the placement of students and makes a binding decision.”Dame Jennifer concluded by issuing a big ‘thank you’ to all of the principals of public primary schools in Bermuda.“Yearly, they have the difficult task of sorting through the many applications, checking addresses for proximity to schools and selecting students for admittance. They work hard and that work is much appreciated.”