Gosling and Glynn clinch Open Pairs title
Congratulations to Rachael Gosling and John Glynn who put in a storming second session to win the Bermuda Bridge Club Open Pairs Championship by just under a board.
They had a remarkable 69.84 per cent second session – and they needed it, as first round leaders John Rayner and David Cordon followed a 65 per cent morning session with a 61 per cent second session and must still be shaking their heads at not finishing in front.
In third place were Charles Hall and Tony Saunders, followed by Martha Ferguson and Judy King in fourth and Misha Novakovic and Marge Way in fifth.
There was a big field of 17 pairs consisting of 8 A pairs, two B pairs and remarkably 7 C pairs who were given their own “championship within a championship”. Winning the B section were Martha and Judy, followed by Betsy Baillie-Lisa Ferrari and Tim Mardon-Richard Hall.
Betsy and Lisa won the C section and the Intermediate Prize, followed by Tim and Richard in second and Steve Cosham–Mariko Rogers in third. Well done to all these pairs!
This is an excellent win by Rachael and John in a field containing many good pairs — they have both won numerous titles at the Club and at higher tournaments, and are clearly playing at a high level.
John and David put in two great sessions in second place and Tony and Charles were, as always, in the mix. Well done also to Martha and Judy for not only winning the B section but also muscling their way into fourth amongst the A Group — a feat repeated by Lisa and Betsy who topped the Cs and finished second in the Bs.
The winners and the second-placed pair met in the last round of the event and it proved to be pivotal – Rachael and John reached two good contracts and it seems Rachael took all the tricks that were available to rack up two great scores. It’s always good when you are dealt the right cards at the right time and are then good enough to press home your advantage.
One other hand (see Figure 1) caught my attention and that was Board 18 of the afternoon session, and it also had a big say in the final result.
The hand was played eight times – five East/West pairs ended up in 6NT, one in 4NT (an invitation refused?) and two languished in 3NT with 11 HCP opposite 22.
While the varied bidding is somewhat perplexing, the declarer play across the field is hard to explain, as only three of the eight pairs made 13 tricks.
One has plenty of entries to both hands, the spades are 3-3, the heart finesse is working and the Jack of diamonds falls in three rounds – that makes four spades, three hearts, four diamonds and two clubs , for a total of 13 tricks. The results on this hand reinforces the view that, at the club level, the play of the hand contributes way more than it should to the final results.
Our winners had no trouble with the hand, bidding to 6NT and making all 13 tricks.
Should they be in seven? No way! The lay of the defenders cards was glorious for declarer – move a few cards around, as in Figure 2, and ten tricks is probably the most available.
All in all, an exciting and well-attended event!
• David Ezekiel can be reached at davidezekiel999@gmail.com
Friday, March 22
1. Miodrag Novakovic-Margaret Way
2. Lorna Anderson Heather Woolf
3. Charles Hall-Sancia Garrison
Saturday, March 23
Open Pairs Championship
1. Rachael Gosling-John Glynn
2. David Cordon-John Rayner
1. Lisa Ferrari-Betsy Baillie
2. Richard Hall-Tim Mardon
Monday, March 25
1. Betsy Baillie-Mike Kirsh
2. Rachael Gosling-Margaret Way
3. Peter Donnellan-Lynanne Bolton
1. Judith Bussell-Molly Taussig
2. Charles Hall-Marion Silver
3. Lorna Anderson-Heather Woolf
Tuesday, March 26
1. Amanda Ingham-Heidi Dyson
2. Duncan Silver-Marion Silver
1. Vivian Pereira-Wilena White
2. Stuart Clare-Sarah Bowers
Wednesday, March 27
1. Louise Rodger-Margaret Way
2. Gertrude Barker-Jane Smith
3. Tony Saunders-Molly Taussig
Thursday, March 28
1. Betsy Baillie-Lisa Ferrari
2. David Petty-Harry Kast
3. Gertrude Barker-Sharon Shanahan