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Island marks World Cancer Day

Cancer will be diagnosed in one in three people during their lifetime — but spreading awareness of the disease can help to reverse the trend.

World Cancer Day is being marked on Wednesday by Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre (BCHC), in tandem with the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).

Cancer kills 8.2 million people annually, nearly half of which are premature — and early deaths by cancer could rise by 50 per cent in ten years’ time without steps to prevent this.

The BCHC, whose efforts have included bringing radiation treatment to the Island, promotes practical solutions to reduce premature cancer death. Prevention, early detection and proper treatment are key, including making healthy life choices, which reduce social and environmental risk factors and encourage people to make beneficial decisions.

On the early detection front, the BCHC offers mammograms, ultrasound, and breast and prostate biopsies.

For those without health insurance, the centre can cover the costs.

Radiation therapy is now being offered on-Island by the BCHC, and they have pledged to assist clients who lack health insurance.

World Cancer Day is being promoted this year under the rubric of “Cancer: it’s not beyond us”.