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Why I won’t vote for the PLP

January 5, 2011Dear Sir,After reading all these MPs’ reasons for the PLP not having a very high number of white people voting for them, I do find myself asking why have I never voted for the PLP. When I first came back to Bermuda from college 27 years ago I was completely naive about political issues and there is no doubt I was pushed into voting the way my father had always voted which was helping Sir John Swan have his heyday. While the PLP had always been the bridesmaid it was there trying its best to point out injustices, some petty like why was Sir John wasting government money on a car for the Premier when he had a perfectly good one of his own.After a few years, I could actually see that maybe things were not on a level playing field with one party winning every term and I did vote several times for Independents rather than the UBP thinking they could join one party or the other to make a difference. Eventually, the tables were turned and the PLP did win, mostly due to, I think, the UBP making desperate decisions including replacing Premiers who were not ready to play the political game to win as the PLP did … at whatever cost to race relations.At the time the PLP got into power I was working for myself and doing quite a lot of Government work for Tourism. This came to a grinding halt, so much so that I ended up going back to working full time for a local company. I dare say that the then-new Tourism Minister’s remark “only people that look like me will get contracts from me” had a large part to do with my work drying up from Tourism. And when the PLP was looking at a third term, the racecard came out in full force. There were cries of “Vote for our people” and when the new Premier was questioned by an independent international station about how he had won the young black vote and what was he going to do for the young white vote, he was quoted as saying “They can take care of themselves”.Since then, the PLP has run into all the issues every government has to face. Crime, education, housing, internal power struggles and if I dare say it, corruption. They implement policies they promised only to renege on them because they didn’t work. They cower from bullies in their own party because most of them have the “backbone of a gummy bear” rather than stand up for what is right. They now see they are losing the vote that got them into power in the first place because these issues have either not been dealt with very well or not dealt with at all and realise that for them to stay in power that they may need the white swing vote after all, so now we have to all be friends? I have to ask what has the PLP government done for me personally to improve my life? They certainly haven’t made Bermuda a safer place, my income is down and as for education I have made sacrifices to send my daughter to private school. So why would I vote for the PLP? I see no reason to, whether I was white or black. Can the OBA make Bermuda a better place for me to live? I don’t know, but I’m going to give them their chance to try and make it happen.HAD ENOUGH OF THIS TWO FACED GOVERNMENTWarwick