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Dr Hodgson living in the past

February 21, 2012Dear Sir,In a recent letter, Dr Eva Hodgson, in a continuation of the general, unadulterated and one-sided, pulsating theme of her decades of existence, espoused the theory that ‘the past is still with us’ ... she meant this in terms of “racism”, which is clearly the only thing she has a view on. For years I’ve said that Dr Hodgson, as nice as she probably is, is living in the past and now this is confirmed. Dr Hodgson, if you could just take a step out of the ‘50s and look around, listen to others and open up you mind ... you might see that although we ain’t perfect, it’s a whole new world out there!Ma’am, you have been saying the same thing for so long that even the half dozen converted souls who still hang on your every word must be getting tired of it. You have clearly much to offer but you have identified the historical facts on about a thousand occasions, yet you rarely have a “solution”, nor do you ever seem to acknowledge that things have changed. Yeah, I know that you will come back with one of your PhD comments ... but I do feel better.AN AVID READERSouthampton