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Hurting my golden years

April 26, 2012Dear Sir,I am appalled at Government’s decision to hit Seniors with new taxes. We were promised that we did not have to pay for property taxes and now you are clawing it back, another broken promise! I am a 70-year-old senior citizen, and yes I am still working in an effort to make ends meet, the only income I receive is $555 from Government which does not even cover my health insurance.Madam Premier, we have paid our share of taxes, some of us were looking forward to the ‘golden years’. I understand you have to cut back on expenses, why is it on the backs of those of us who have paid our fair share and are now on fixed incomes? Everything is going up, ie food prices, doctor’s visits, health insurance, gas, now property taxes. I have looked at selling my house, unfortunately, however the prices are so low at this time that this is not a choice by the time stamp duty, legal fees and agent’s commission is paid there is little left. Why you are asking Senior Citizens to pay for the mismanagement and extravagances of the past ten years? Shame on you!SENIOR CITIZENPaget