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What about these, Mr Todd?

( Photo by Glenn Tucker )Rust on the Gibbs Hill lighthouse

August 13, 2012Dear Sir,I attended a recent public meeting/forum hosted by Stephen Todd, the PLP candidate in #30, Southampton East Central. At that meeting, Stephen took credit for a lot of things including the acquisition of property that will allow Middle Road to be widened by Angel Steps, near Waterlot Inn. Since he's decided to take credit for something that has been negotiated for probably 15 years, I assume he has no problem taking credit for some more recent issues:1) Stephen, ever since you took credit for that Angel Steps road widening project, your Works & Engineering stalwarts dug up the land, ripped out the trees and made damn sure the residents lost the little bit of privacy they had, to say nothing of the increase in noise ... and then the W+E boys took off and they haven't been seen for at least a month. What gives .... have they run out of money?2) Stephen, are you taking credit for the new rust coloured paint job on our #1 tourist attraction, Gibbs Hill Lighthouse ... or maybe that's the UBP's fault?3) Stephen, since you seem to be a very successful credit taker, can you do anything about the loss of access that your intended constituents suffered when they fenced off the roadway to Sinky Bay and Cross Bay?I still cannot understand how the Saviour from Paget (you), a former UBP member (yes, you were), and a founding member of the BDA can buy this story from Alaska Hall.EYES WIDE OPENSouthampton