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‘Me’ keeps getting in the way

Church Bay in Southampton

August 23, 2012.Dear Sir,Last Friday, I took my grandson to Church Bay for lunch. Knowing of the little bench that is there I thought it would be great to have lunch there with him (six years old). Well it was really great just sitting there watching him romp around and climb trees and play with the little spiders he found (really enjoys insects).After a while he wanted to use the toilet. Forgetting the facility that is there for the moment, I started to leave, but then noticing it, decided to use it. Entering the first one, the days’ old faeces all but met us at the door, and as I was about to enter the next one, my grandson said to me “Do I have to sit on that?”.Of course, I said no and we left in a hurry to get home which was not too far to go. Last month I was at the Clearwater Beach and went to use the toilet and that was in a state of disorder — and do not go in barefoot. As I stood and looked and thinking of all the people at the beach, asked myself where is the pride of our people that they are being paid to care for the facility, but do not care? The toilet paper was hung on a piece of wire that was hanging from the ceiling.Some may ask what point I am making. Well, I thought back to the previous week how the Government had just allocated four point something million on advertising, it would be great if just a very small portion of that was spent on the facility that we may all (tourist and locals) have a properly cleaned facility to use in our time of need.Government spends very loosely. If someone would just stop and think for a moment of our children and grands who are studying in these same fields and use them. Our tax dollars would go a long way and benefit the people they are supposed to be serving. That is, if it is their intent to serve the people with integrity, if one desires to serve, they must think of others first. The problem is “Me” gets in the way too often and it shows all too often.Who is accountable to see that these facilities are properly kept (and I mean all of them, end to end)? If the head is not pulling its share of the load how can the load be carried? The head must lead and the tail follows, but if don’t know don’t know, then don’t know cannot teach don’t know what they don’t know.If the people got 65 percent of what we pay for it would be a joy to behold. Read Proverbs 14:22 and 23.WENDELL HASSELLSandys