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Two true ambassadors

Good ambassador: Mark Anderson

January 6, 2013Dear Sir,He was amazing! He drove the bus that took me from Hamilton to Dockyard on Saturday afternoon. Unlike most bus drivers, he greeted me warmly, looked me in the eyes, asked about my day and he answered all my questions about getting to my destination. In fact, Mark Anderson greeted every patron with a pleasant smile and a bit of conversation to either confirm the customer was on the right path to their destination or ask if the customer had any questions about getting where they wanted to go. And he gave special attention to the elderly and physically challenged. Mr Anderson is the perfect ambassador, effectively representing the leadership at his place of employment and sharing his good cheer with the customers blessed to ride on his bus.Well, this alone may have been good reason to write the Editor, but what makes this experience amazing is what happened when I visited the Pickled Onion restaurant, later that evening. While waiting for a table, I was having an enjoyable chat with a husky cowboy who worked there and casually mentioned my pleasant bus ride with Mr Anderson. To my amazement, the husky cowboy at the Pickled Onion informed me that Mr Anderson is his brother. The husky cowboy, Mr Wales, went on to talk about the importance he and his brother, Mr Anderson, place on great customer service and sharing the Bermuda spirit with both the tourists and residents they serve. I was impressed with how serious he became when he talked about their roles and responsibilities for delivering great customer service.Well, most people don’t take the time to share a good story or to say “Thank you”. Yet, unfortunately, most people don’t hesitate to tell a horror story or talk about poor or disappointing service. So here is a good story to share with your readers! Good Cheers to Bermuda! I had a wonderful vacation and met two Bermuda Ambassadors who took the time to provide me with great service and without hesitation, ensured I had an experience to remember long after my vacation is over. Well Done.VERONICA COCHRAN