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January 22, 2013Dear Sir,Are we ‘deeply racially divided’? I beg to differ and question whether Dr Hodgson ventures out into the Bermuda of 2013. If so she would notice how the races mix socially in the nightspots, in the workplace, over lunch or dinner and how multiracial relationships/marriage are on the increase. Yes there are divisions but they are not ‘deep’ and are healing. Many of her observations are true of the past but not of today. She touches on the demand for social and economic equity. So what does she want from me, a white Bermudian with no links to the wrongs of slavery. Does she want a check? A share of my equity? What does she want? As a white Bermudian with a black female partner I see no future in a comfort zone of other whites but rather as a member of a multiracial society. If Dr Hodgson is suggesting blacks look only to themselves for their comfort, I can but only disagree. This will be a backward step.* This was written in response to an article by Dr Hodgson in The Royal Gazette on Tuesday, January 22.NOT DIVIDED