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Come clean

February 18, 2013Dear Sir,It was an interesting interview with the Opposition Leader Marc Bean on Monday night with Gary Moreno. He was certainly clear about some things. But he still did not give an answer to the question as to why he formed the Progressive Labour Party’s Shadow Cabinet without informing Terry Lister that his invitation to be Shadow Finance Minister was no longer valid, even before he heard from Mr Lister. If he placed Mr Lister at number 36 because he wanted him near him in the seating arrangement perhaps a little discussion with Mr Lister beforehand might have put a different light on it. He might not have made the derogatory remark about age but first inviting Mr Lister to be Shadow Finance Minister then forming a Cabinet that did not include him without even telling him he was not included says something — whatever that something may be. He should at least be clear with his reason if he really wants to be believed that age is not an issue with him — as it clearly is with some of the delegates.EVA N HODGSONCrawl