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Pope Francis’ example

March 15, 2013Dear Sir,It’s a great time to be alive, particularly when we consider days that were not too long ago. We have a black two-term president of the United States of America and now we have an Argentinian Pope. Reversing the tide of history and setting a milestone is one thing but going beyond that in being an example is quite another. Pope Benedict’s resignation, for whatever reason, to me was a step in humanising the post of Pontiff. Pope Francis by taking that name and role once emulated by Francis of Assisi is another step along the path. His opening remarks asking for the people to pray for him asking for their blessing to enable him to offer his blessing was proverbial. Reminds me of the scriptural verse which has Jesus as saying “If I be lifted up then I will draw all men unto me”. Look at the position “If I be lifted up” that statement is a clear indication of the direction of power. It comes after the people lift up. When they lift up they create the magnetism to draw others. Quite a contrast to one standing before the masses offering to pour or invoke their holiness or blessings among the masses of degenerates.What use would it be to humanity to have angels as earthly guides? Similarly what use is it to posture as angelic when our basic humanity cries out for example. If there is one thing that Francis of Assisi can be seen as it was in his breaking the mould of status and pompousness. The new Pope by his own life example has done just that as a legacy. Now he is the leader of 1.2 billion people, perhaps his example can demonstrate to the world of leadership the kind of humility that best edifies post of leadership. I don’t have to be Catholic to acknowledge what is and should be recognisable as a good human example. I did not suggest he was a perfect example. He is not a father, a husband or someone’s beloved, rather he is celibate and that’s how he chose to serve humanity. The moment is just a good time for leaders of the world in whatever field to take note. I think it’s a great time for all of us also to reflect on a simple truth, which is it’s not our status or background or the cult from which we come, it’s our humility that provides the key and access to the majesty and hidden treasures of this universe.KHALID WASI