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A big thank you for all your donationas

April 4, 2013.Dear Sir,We the officers and members of the Orchid Charity Club take this opportunity to express our appreciation to the many merchants who made donations to our Annual Christmas Project. This project enables us to make contributions to the residents in the Senior Homes and other organisations throughout the Island, for which they are very thankful and overjoyed.At this time we would also like to thank our faithful taggers, who donated their personal time, to tag for us on our Annual Tag Day of January 18 and 19, 2013. Thanks to the merchants throughout Bermuda, who gave us permission to place our taggers in front of their establishments. We are happy to report that this year’s tag day was a resounding success; this could not have been realised without any of you.To the many merchants and individual persons who supplied us with food provisions for our St Patrick’s Day Tea, held on Sunday, March 24, 2013, we would like to say thank you, as our tea was once again a huge success. During the tea we were informed, enlightened and challenged by our guest speaker Michelle Wade MSW, ACSW (Director of Teen Services/Teen Haven). The North Village Bank serenaded us with music and Gene Steede entertained us with his comic stories and also in song. To our speaker and guest artists we are eternally grateful and wish God’s continued blessing on you and success in the work that you do throughout Bermuda. To our brothers, the Leopards Club, our own sisters the Orchids, our faithful helpers, and let us not forget our loyal patrons, for without your dedication, our Tea would not be a reality, “Thank You”.May God continue to bless each and every one of you, as you go about carrying out His charitable deeds.OFFICERS AND MEMBERSThe Orchid Charity Club