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It’s time to legalise gaming

June 1, 2013Dear Sir,Let’s talk about the ‘G’ word — gaming. We expect our politicians to have foresight and vision. I’m in agreement with Opposition Leader Marc Bean. The church needs to take a back seat. The OBA is too ultraconservative. We are experiencing the same old, same old, when it comes to marketing Bermuda.In short, we are still living in the past in certain areas. This shouldn’t be a hot topic for the church. The time to legalise gaming as a source of revenue is long overdue.Kudos to you Mr Bean, continue to ignore the church and pressure the OBA to have a voter referendum.In the meantime Bermuda is becoming a ticking time bomb. The middle class outnumber the rich in Bermuda, and at the end of the day there are not nearly enough rich folks to pick up the tab for the rapidly increasing underclass who will become a financial burden on the OBA Government. If and when Bermuda introduces gaming on Sunday when the church doors open and the collection plate is passed around, the ushers are not going to say the church doesn’t accept money from casinos. The Catholic Church don’t question where the money is coming from.I hope 80 to 90 percent are behind you Mr Bean. Wake up Bermuda and smell the roses!GEORGE BURCHERPaget