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It’s time to act

July 31, 2013Dear Sir,After seeing a Volkswagen sports coupe with four mufflers, instead of two which is found on the original, I have to wonder how did the Transport Control Department pass such a vehicle, and why the police won’t have it repossessed? The car is normally grey with pink parts and chrome rims and, would have been okay had it only had just two mufflers but, it has four like the BMWs and it shouldn’t. This needs to be looked into. Also, it’s nice that the police are stopping cars that spew deep smoke, but to what degree? Will drivers be taken off the road fully if such drivers, don’t get their cars or trucks repaired? There should be a law against that as it’s already a safety hazard now.POLICE NEED 2 CRACKDOWN ON ILLEGAL CARS/VERY SMOKEY VEHICLESDevonshire